In a rare and unconventional case of same-sex marriage in India, a woman from Bihar’s Gopalganj district has made headlines by marrying her own niece, with whom she had been romantically involved for the past three years.
Suman, a woman in her middle age, made the bold decision to leave her husband and elope with her niece, Shobha. The couple solemnized their relationship by getting married according to Hindu customs, following a three-year love affair.
The wedding, which took place at a temple in Belwa village, Gopalganj, quickly gained attention on social media, where videos of the aunt and niece exchanging garlands and vows went viral.
In the footage, Suman can be seen tying a mangalsutra—a traditional symbol of marriage—around Shobha’s neck. The couple then completes the ‘saat phere,’ a ritual that involves seven circumambulations around the sacred fire, signifying their lifelong commitment to one another.
When asked about her decision to marry her niece, Suman spoke openly about the deep bond she shares with Shobha, explaining that she couldn’t bear the thought of Shobha marrying someone else.
“Shobha is the love of my life. The fear of losing her to another person pushed us to make this decision, despite societal expectations,” Suman said.
Shobha, too, expressed her unwavering love, stating that as long as they are together, they are indifferent to public opinion.
To make their union known, the couple shared videos of their wedding ceremony on social media, informing their families and the world of their decision.
The wedding has ignited a fierce debate online, with some praising their courage, while others condemn it as “unnatural,” a “breach of natural laws,” and a “sign of Kalyug” (the dark age).