In a surprising incident that gained widespread attention on social media, a religious hoarding featuring former adult film star Mia Khalifa was spotted in Koruvimalai, Tamil Nadu, during the Aadi Perukku festival. The hoarding, which showed Mia Khalifa holding a traditional milk vessel, appeared out of place in the context of the religious celebration and was subsequently removed by local authorities.
The Aadi Perukku festival, dedicated to Goddess Amman, is typically celebrated with rituals, decorations, and hoardings around local temples. However, this particular hoarding attracted significant attention due to the unusual inclusion of Mia Khalifa’s image alongside traditional religious symbols.
Photographs of the hoarding, which also featured local individuals in an Aadhaar card-style format, were widely circulated on social media, eliciting mixed reactions. Some users referred to it as “printer’s mischief” and called for accountability, while others joked about Tamil Nadu’s reputation for extravagant posters.
The incident was reported to Magaral Police Station, which removed the hoarding. However, the reason behind the use of Mia Khalifa’s image remains unclear, leaving many to speculate whether it was a deliberate act or an unintended mistake.