New Delhi: The Delhi Traffic Police has issued a traffic advisory ahead of the Commissionerate Day Parade on Monday, July 1. The parade will be held at the New Police Lines Parade Ground in Kingsway Camp, with a rehearsal on Friday, June 28. A large number of invitees, including VVIPs and senior officers of Delhi Police, will be attending the parade, which may affect traffic on surrounding roads. Below are the details on diversions and routes to avoid:
Delhi Traffic Advisory: Diversions and Routes to Avoid
If you are traveling in Delhi on Monday, July 1, 2024, be aware of the traffic restrictions, diversions, and alternative routes in place.
List of roads to avoid:
Roads to be Closed :
Sri Raj Kumar Kaushik Marg (Parade Road) from Cigarette Wala Bagh Red Light to Vijay Nagar Red Light
Roads to be Avoided:
Bhama Shah Marg
Sri Raj Kumar Kaushik Marg (Parade Road)
Thekedar Surjeet Singh Marg
Ring Road between Hakikat Nagar and Azadpur Terminal
Diversion Points (As and When Necessary):
Hakikat Nagar Red Light
Kingsway Camp Chowk
Vijay Nagar Ganda Nala
Bhama Shah Chowk
Cigarette Wala Bagh Red Light
Nanak Plao
Commuters are requested to cooperate by avoiding or bypassing the mentioned roads and to use public transport as much as possible to reach their destinations. “People traveling towards Delhi University (North-Campus), GTB Nagar, Model Town, and Azadpur Subzi Mandi area are advised to plan their travel carefully and allow sufficient time,” stated the Delhi Traffic Police in the advisory. The general public and motorists are advised to be patient, observe traffic rules, and maintain road discipline.