It’s truly a time for double celebration. Following the successful landing of Chandrayaan-3 on the lunar surface, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) recently launched India’s inaugural solar mission, named Aditya L-1. With this achievement, India has now joined the exclusive group of nations that have sent probes to study the Sun. As congratulatory messages flooded social media, the renowned Indian dairy brand Amul has also joined in the festivities by paying tribute to ISRO. The brand shared one of its signature illustrations on its social media platforms. The caption read, “Amul Topical: Aditya L1 embarks on its journey towards the sun!”
The illustration depicted the Amul girl seated at what appeared to be ISRO’s launch site. Holding a partially eaten bread and butter in her hands, she was attired in formal pants and a shirt, complete with a headset. In front of her stood a gear-like stick bearing ISRO’s logo, and she gazed in awe at the rocket launching beside her. True to their style, Amul added a clever touch to the image with accompanying text that read, “ISRO’s Tribute to the Sun! Amul’s Light Snack.” Here’s the post:
Amul also celebrated India’s successful landing of its third lunar mission, Chandrayaan-3. Through their illustrative post, the dairy brand recognized the historic significance of this moment for the Indian Space Research Organisation and all Indians. The text on the illustration humorously played on the words ‘mooh’ (mouth) and ‘moon’, reading “moon mitha karo.” You can read the full story here. Amul frequently commemorates various significant national occasions and achievements. Prior to this, the brand celebrated Neeraj Chopra’s victory in the men’s javelin throw event at the World Athletics Championships. Chopra became the first-ever Indian athlete to secure gold at this prestigious championship, held in Budapest. In honor of this achievement, Amul shared an illustration featuring Neeraj dressed in an Indian jersey, proudly holding the national flag. The post also featured the Amul girl running behind Neeraj with a javelin in her hand, all while clutching bread and butter. Take a look at it here