India’s all-rounder Hardik Pandya’s separation from his wife, model Natasa Stankovic, continues to generate headlines. Hardik, who played a pivotal role in India’s victory in the 2024 T20 World Cup, parted ways with Natasa in July. Following months of speculation and rumors circulating on social media, the couple issued a joint statement on Natasa’s Instagram account on July 18. Prior to this official announcement, Natasa returned to her hometown in Serbia with their four-year-old son, Agastya.
Recently, Natasa’s social media activity has sparked further speculation, leading to serious concerns among fans. Many have noticed that Natasa has been liking Instagram reels focused on topics such as toxic relationships, infidelity, and emotional abuse.
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This has fueled rumors among fans that infidelity may have been a factor in the couple’s separation.
Earlier in July, Hardik shared an emotional post on Instagram to celebrate his son Agastya’s birthday on July 30, 2024. The post featured heartwarming moments with Agastya, who is currently with his estranged wife, Natasa.
“You keep me going every single day! Happy birthday to my partner in crime, my whole heart, my Agu. Love you beyond words,” Hardik wrote in the post.
In addition, Hardik commented on one of Natasa’s Instagram posts, which featured her enjoying time with Agastya. His comment, expressed through a series of emojis, was well-received by social media users.
Also Read: Natasa Stankovic’s Social Media Activity Raises Concerns Among Hardik Pandya’s Fans