Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha got engaged on May 13 in New Delhi. The Aam Aadmi Party leader is reportedly planning to tie the knot later in 2023. In an interview with Quint, Raghav opened up about the changes he experienced in his life after getting engaged to Parineeti. He admitted that his colleagues now tease him less since he is soon going to get married.
When asked about the engagement with Parineeti Chopra, Raghav said, “Well, I think we should keep this conversation focused on political alliances rather than personal ones. But yes, most certainly, my colleagues, co-workers in the party, and my seniors tease me a little less now… Earlier, they used to ask me to get married, but now they tease me less because they know I am getting married soon.”
Raghav and Parineeti never publicly spoke about their dating relationship, but they had known each other for several years before making their relationship official online. The couple got engaged in a ceremony attended by family and friends at Kapurthala House in New Delhi. They looked stunning in matching white outfits. The event was graced by various personalities, including actor Priyanka Chopra and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal.
After the engagement, several videos and pictures surfaced online showing the couple searching for wedding venues in Udaipur and exploring Krishnagar. Parineeti was seen alone initially but later joined by Raghav for the rest of their tour in Rajasthan.