Rahul Gandhi fired back at Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent criticism, which focused on the alleged silence surrounding Mukesh Ambani and Gautam Adani. Gandhi demanded that investigative agencies be sent to the residences of these business magnates. In a video message, he humorously questioned whether Modi’s reference to “tempo loads of money” was based on personal experience, adding that discussing Ambani and Adani publicly was a departure from Modi’s usual practice. This exchange came after Modi’s sharp critique of the Congress and Gandhi, accusing them of a suspicious silence on the Ambani-Adani issue and suggesting a potential corrupt deal. Gandhi, in response, pledged to foster wealth creation and job security if the Congress came into power, countering Modi’s claims and proposing a different vision for economic prosperity.
Yogi Adityanath Honors Acharya Gopal Chandra Mishra Vedic Unnayan Institute with ‘Best Vedic School’ Award
Varanasi, 06th Sept, 2024 : At the 8th Bharatatma Ashok Singhal Vedic Awards 2024, held in Ayodhya under the banner of Singhal Foundation ( Udaipur) , the Acharya Gopal Chandra…