Samsung has launched Galaxy F14 4G in India, expanding its lineup that includes the Galaxy F14 5G, which was introduced in the month of March this year. The new 4G variant is powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 680 SoC, while the 5G version uses the in-house Exynos 1330 chipset. The 4G model features a 50-megapixel triple rear camera setup, compared to the 5G’s 50-megapixel dual rear camera unit. Both variants are equipped with a 13-megapixel front camera.
Pricing in India
Samsung Galaxy F14 4G is priced at Rs. 8,999 for the 4GB + 64GB configuration. The device is available for purchase through select offline retail stores, with no-cost EMI options. It is offered in two colors: Moonlight Silver and Peppermint Green.
Specifications and Features
The Galaxy F14 4G boasts a 6.7-inch full-HD+ flat screen with a 90Hz refresh rate and a centered waterdrop notch housing the front camera. It is equipped with the Snapdragon 680 SoC, 4GB of RAM, and 64GB of internal storage.
In terms of photography, the phone includes a triple rear camera system with a 50-megapixel primary sensor (f/1.8 aperture), and two 2-megapixel sensors, accompanied by an LED flash. The front camera features13-megapixel sensor.
The device is powered by a 5,000mAh battery with 25W wired fast charging support. It features a side-mounted fingerprint sensor for security purpose. The Galaxy F14 4G ships with Android 14-based One UI 6 and is promised two major OS upgrades along with four years of security updates.