In a deeply disturbing incident in Noida, a garlic vendor faced a brutal assault and humiliation as he was forcibly stripped naked by a commission agent and his accomplices. This horrific ordeal unfolded after he failed to repay a portion of his Rs 5,600 loan, according to the police report on Wednesday. Additional DCP (Central Noida) Rajiv Dixit provided further details, stating that two individuals, including the commission agent, have been apprehended, and the most stringent legal measures will be taken against them.
The incident came to light when a video of the assault began circulating on social media, prompting the Noida Police to take immediate action. The incident occurred in Noida Sector 88.
The victim, originally from Mainpuri district in Uttar Pradesh, lodged a formal police complaint. He narrated how he had borrowed Rs 5,600 from an individual named Sundar. While he managed to repay Rs 2,500, he requested additional time until Sunday to settle the remaining amount.
In response to his request, Sundar became incensed and summoned his associates, who subsequently assaulted Amit for his delayed payment. They then subjected him to the humiliating act of stripping him naked and parading him through the market.
Amit, the vendor, disclosed that he operates a garlic cart and works at the fruits and vegetables market in Noida Sector 88. When he attempted to make a payment of Rs 2,500 towards his Rs 5,600 debt on Monday, he pleaded for more time to clear the remaining balance. However, the commission agent summoned his accountant and two laborers to the shop, where they forcibly stripped him, beat him with sticks, and hurled insults at him. Ultimately, he was expelled from the shop, left exposed in the open.
An FIR has been registered at the local Phase 2 police station, citing various sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) including 323, 342, 357, 504, 506, and Section 66E of the Information Technology Act, as announced by the police.