Bollywood actor Salman Khan’s movie, Tiger 3, illuminated screens, yet some fans of the star took their enthusiasm to an extreme level. In a shocking move, during the film’s premiere in Maharashtra, a group of fervent fans set off a pyrotechnic spectacle inside a Malegaon theater, leaving audiences startled and seeking safety amidst the unexpected display. Firecrackers like rockets, sparklers, and various crackers painted a chaotic scene inside. Videos proudly shared by some of Khan’s fans were met with disapproval by the wider online community, who called for swift and strict action.
The visuals captured a chaotic scramble within the theater as viewers sought refuge, an unexpected twist to the cinematic experience. (If you want to check out the videos, they’re below.)
Tiger 3, the third saga in the YRF franchise, shines with Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif in leading roles, accompanied by appearances from Emraan Hashmi, Ridhi Dogra, and a cameo by Shah Rukh Khan.
This isn’t the first time Salman Khan’s fan fervor has taken a daring turn. During the release of Antim: The Final Truth in 2021, fan-recorded videos of fireworks inside cinema halls circulated widely, prompting Khan himself to discourage such acts within theaters.