On its 10th day at the box office, Vicky Kaushal’s film ‘Sam Bahadur’ has finally broken even, crossing the Rs 50 crore milestone. Released alongside Ranbir Kapoor’s ‘Animal’ on December 1, the film faced challenges after its debut weekend, unlike Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s successful venture. ‘Sam Bahadur’ earned Rs 7.50 crore on its 10th day, accumulating a total of Rs 56.55 crore, as reported by Sacnilk.com.
Famous Ghazal Writer Dushyant Kumar’s Birth Anniversary celebrated at PCI with poetry meet and discussion
New Delhi, September 2, 2024: Hindi Academy, Delhi, in collaboration with Yamuna Yuvak Kendra organized a special discussion and poetry meet on the birth anniversary of the famous ghazal poet…