Yami Gautam and Aditya Dhar have welcomed their first child, a baby boy named Vedavid. The ‘Article 370’ actress gave birth on the auspicious occasion of Akshaya Tritiya, May 10, 2024. The couple shared the joyous news through a collaborative Instagram post, expressing their heartfelt gratitude to the medical team at Surya Hospital, especially Dr. Bhupender Awasthi and Dr. Ranjana Dhanu, whose expertise and dedication made this moment possible.
Their announcement read, “As we embark on this beautiful journey of parenthood, we eagerly anticipate the bright future that awaits our son. With every milestone he achieves, we are filled with the hope and belief that he will grow to become a beacon of pride for our entire family as well as our beloved nation.”
Fans and Celebrities React:
Fans and followers of Yami Gautam flooded the comments with congratulatory messages. Celebrities like Mrunal Thakur, singer Parampara, and Neha Dhupia also shared their heartfelt wishes. Actor Ranveer Singh, who is soon to become a father himself, commented, “Bahut bahut bahut sara pyaar! God bless,” with heart, heart-eyes, and evil eye emojis.
Meaning Behind the Name ‘Vedavid’:
The name ‘Vedavid’ has piqued the interest of many. According to Wisdom Lib, Vedavid is a Sanskrit compound made up of ‘Veda’ and ‘Vid’, meaning someone who is well-versed in the Vedas. It is also believed to be a name of Lord Vishnu. The name signifies a person knowledgeable in the ancient Vedic texts.