
Can Sunburn Increase the Risk of Skin Cancer? 5 Precautions to Keep You Safe in Summer Heat

Summer presents a wonderful opportunity to engage in outdoor activities or take vacations. However, despite the delightful weather, skin issues abound during this season. One common problem is sunburn, which occurs when the skin is exposed excessively to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. UV radiation causes DNA damage in skin cells, leading to inflammation and resulting in red, painful, and sometimes swollen skin. Sunburn can be not only uncomfortable but also embarrassing in certain situations.

Symptoms of sunburn include redness, swelling, peeling skin, pain, tenderness, hot and tight skin, fatigue, fever, nausea, vomiting, discoloration within the burn, blisters, and blisters filled with fluid, which require prompt attention from a healthcare professional.

Here are a few tips to protect yourself from UV rays when venturing outdoors in summer:

1 . Stay hydrated by consuming at least 3 liters of water daily to prevent dehydration.
2 . Use a moisturizer recommended by a doctor to soothe your skin.
3 . Consider using Aloe Vera gel to alleviate skin burning, swelling, inflammation, redness, and irritation.
4 . Apply a cool compress or place a damp cloth on sunburned areas to reduce swelling, inflammation, and discomfort.
5 . Take prescribed medications only and wear full-sleeved cotton clothing to prevent sunburn.
6 . Avoid using ointments containing irritating ingredients and opt for refreshing cold showers.


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