New Delhi: WhatsApp, the popular messaging platform, announced on Wednesday that DTC bus passengers in Delhi will now have the ability to book and buy tickets directly through its chatbot. The app has introduced a QR code-based ticketing service specifically for DTC commuters in Delhi-NCR.
To use this service, passengers simply need to send ‘Hi’ to +918744073223 or scan a QR code. The service will be provided in both Hindi and English languages. Presently, the chatbot enables commuters traveling on DTC and DIMTS routes to book single journey QR tickets.
For frequent travelers on the same route, the chatbot will offer a rapid purchase feature, saving time by streamlining the process of selecting the destination and starting point within the chatbot.
Last year, WhatsApp collaborated with Delhi Metro to extend the WhatsApp-based ticketing service to cover all routes of Delhi, Noida, and Gurugram Rapid Metro.