The Madhya Pradesh government has announced that beneficiaries registered under the Ujjwala Yojana and Ladli Behna Yojana in the state will be eligible to purchase LPG gas cylinders for just Rs 450. Starting from September 1, the state government will cover the remaining cost of the gas cylinders.
The remaining amount for the gas cylinder will be credited to the Ladli Behna’s accounts, and a government order to this effect was issued on Wednesday.
According to the government’s directive, eligible consumers will receive a monthly subsidy for each refill. These consumers will need to buy refills from the oil company at the prevailing market rate. Any reduction in the subsidy provided by the Indian government, compared to the market rate determined by the state government, will be transferred to the bank accounts of eligible consumers.
In the event of changes in the market rate for domestic LPG refills, the state subsidy will be adjusted accordingly.
The government also mentioned that existing gas connection holders will be registered on the Ladli Behna Yojana portal, and they may also be beneficiaries under the Ujjwala Yojana. Registration will take place at designated centers for the Ladli Behna Yojana. To register, consumers will need their gas connection consumer number and LPG connection ID. The Ladli Behna Yojana registration ID will be generated based on data received from all oil companies for beneficiary identification.
Information about registered beneficiaries will be available on the portal starting September 25, 2023, and will be periodically updated. Registered beneficiaries can check this information on the portal using their gas consumer number, gas connection ID, and Ladli Behna ID, starting from September 25.
It’s worth noting that the provision of subsidized cooking gas comes just ahead of the assembly elections in Madhya Pradesh. Offering an LPG cylinder at Rs 500 was one of the Congress party’s five election promises. However, the ruling side, led by CM Chouhan, announced this move after the Central government reduced LPG cylinder prices by Rs 200. In response, state Congress president Kamal Nath commented, “Shivrajji, you have admitted that the BJP government had overcharged more than a thousand rupees for an LPG cylinder, thus exploiting the hard-earned money of the people. The Congress has pledged to reduce the LPG price to Rs 500.”