The documentary film “To Kill a Tiger,” directed by Delhi-born Nisha Pahuja, has received a nomination in the Best Documentary Feature category for the 96th Academy Awards in 2024. Pahuja, who learned about the honor during the live announcement, expressed her shock and joy, stating that the film focuses on the legal battle of an Indian farmer fighting for justice for his daughter after a brutal sexual assault.
The documentary tells the story of Ranjit, a farmer in Jharkhand, India, who takes on a monumental fight for justice for his 13-year-old daughter, Kiran, following a sexual assault in 2017. Nisha Pahuja, a Canadian filmmaker born in India, emphasizes that the film’s purpose extends beyond her career milestone; she aims to use the global platform to advocate for greater gender justice for survivors of sexual violence, not only in India but around the world.
Pahuja hopes the film will bring attention to the challenges faced by survivors of rape and sexual violence in India and globally. The director emphasizes the importance of changing attitudes toward legal justice, particularly in countries like the U.S. and the UK, where conviction rates for rape cases remain low. The film’s focus on challenging patriarchal practices and toxic masculinity is seen as a powerful tool for promoting positive change.
“To Kill a Tiger” has already received recognition, winning Best Canadian Film at the 2022 Toronto Film Festival and the Best Documentary award at the Palm Springs Film Festival. Pahuja plans to attend the Academy Awards with Ranjit and his daughter, expressing gratitude for their role in bringing the film to its current success. The documentary had its theatrical release in October 2023 and garnered support from notable figures such as executive producers Dev Patel, Mindy Kaling, Rupi Kaur, and Atul Gawande.