New Delhi: Nikhil Kamath, co-founder of Zerodha, recently took to the social media platform X to caution users about a misleading WhatsApp group that falsely promotes stock tips. He clarified that he has never operated any WhatsApp group for stock tips and urged users to report the advertisement.
In his statement on X last Friday, Mr. Kamath wrote, “Scam alert, this is obviously not from me. I have never operated or endorsed any WhatsApp groups, nor do I provide stock tips. Please report these.”
He further added, “To all the brands reaching out, please note that I do not engage in paid promotions, collaborations, advertisements, or paid speaking engagements of any kind.”
Mr. Kamath’s post garnered positive reactions from numerous users who commended his efforts to alert them against such scams.
One user commented, “By sharing these scam alerts, you’re not only safeguarding yourself but also empowering the entire community to recognize and avoid such predatory tactics.”
Another user expressed, “It’s admirable to see you taking a strong stance against paid promotions and collaborations. Your authentic voice and content resonate deeply with your audience.”
Yet another user noted, “It requires courage to decline lucrative opportunities, but your commitment to upholding the integrity of your platform is evident.”