In the most recent incident involving a Vande Bharat train, a fire broke out in the battery box of one coach of the Bhopal-Delhi Vande Bharat Express this morning. Fortunately, all passengers are safe, and there have been no reported injuries.
The incident occurred around 8 am at Kurwai Kethora station in Madhya Pradesh. The train departs from Bhopal at approximately 5:40 am and arrives at Delhi’s Hazrat Nizamuddin station around 1:10 pm.
Footage from the scene depicted smoke billowing out near the wheels. The fire brigade swiftly extinguished the flames, prompting a thorough examination to commence.
According to officials, the fire was contained within the battery box. Railway authorities have stated that the train will proceed towards the national capital once the technical examination is concluded.
Previously, Vande Bharat trains made headlines for colliding with cattle. Between June and December of the previous year, Vande Bharat trains were involved in 68 instances of animal collisions, as stated in Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw’s response to Parliament.